Saturday 22 March 2014

Why we should quit smoking?

Quit smoking but the question arises why we should quit smoking? Let’s find out the answer together.
Why people quit smoking and why there are campaigns to quit smoking? There is a very big reason for this act of quitting. It results in long term benefits. Firstly ,it harms our health and responsible for nearly 1 in 5 deaths, and about 8.6 million people suffer from smoking-related lung and heart diseases.  Secondly, it can steal your quality of life long before you die. Smoking-related illness can limit your activities by making it harder to breathe, get around, work, or play.
Figure 2  Why Quit Smoking [Photograph] by awyloves,2008
Adapted from

Above all, the health benefits of quitting smoking are far greater than any risk from smoking. Moreover , there are free quit smoking apps available on iphones. All smokers are lucky that along with free quitting methods there are natural ways to quit smoking like pranayam and Sudarshan Kriya .All these ways are a blessing for all smokers.
In a nutshell, Health is wealth. Take advantage of free and natural ways to quit smoking.
So, think why should I quit smoking? Act today for a bright future tomorrow.

Friday 21 March 2014

how smoking affect your baby

Figure6 smoking and pregnancy. [Photograph] by Amiya Foster , Nov 26, 2013.

 First of all, up to 5% of infant deaths could be prevented if pregnant women did not smoke. Smoking during pregnancy affects you and your baby's health before, during, and after your baby is born.

Nicotine can affect your baby in following ways:
Weight and size
on average, if a woman smokes one pack of cigarette in one day it will delete half-pound from a baby's birth weight. Smoking two packs a day throughout your pregnancy could make your baby a full pound or more lighter.

Body and lungs
 Their lungs may not be ready to work on their own, which means they may spend their first days or weeks attached to a respirator. These babies may have continuing breathing problems — adverse effects of nicotine. Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are suffering from asthma, the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Babies whose mother smoked in the first trimester of pregnancy are more likely to have a heart defect at birth. The defects included those that obstruct the flow of blood from the right side of the heart into the lungs and openings between the upper chambers of the heart.

Brain function
Smoking while pregnant can have lifelong effects on your baby's brain. Children of pregnant smokers are especially likely to have learning disorders, behavioral problems, and relatively low IQ's. 

Thursday 20 March 2014

How to quit smoking with acupuncture therapy

Best way to quit smoking that you take acupuncture therapy. This therapy works in different ways on our body.

Figure2: -damn smokers by Navarr Barnier on January 19, 2009
You know that you can quit smoking with acupuncture therapy, so how to quit smoking with acupuncture.
It is the most popular and best way to quit smoking. Most of people have quit smoking through acupuncture therapy. As we all know that quit smoking is the hardest thing. But there are some ways through you can quit smoking forever.
Acupuncture for quitting smoking is very helpful way. Through this therapy we have to insert needles in our body on certain points. Does not worry from needles because needles are very thin that are used in this therapy, it’s like a hair. These needles raise the flow of qi (Chee) energy throughout the body, which helps to regulate the body’s natural system. There is another formula also to quit smoking that is “Yang Yin Qing Fei” this is the best formula in acupuncture to clear out the lungs and stop coughing. Acupuncture theory will work only if you really want to quit smoking so first you have to ready to quit smoking before taking any treatment that helps you more to quit smoking as compare to quit smoking on the other people’s opinion.

Will you take this therapy to quit smoking?

Wednesday 19 March 2014

I quit smoking with the help of pills

I am going to tell you about the story of my friend Manu who was addicted to smoking. He attended several free trainings and after consulting the doctor took the quit smoking pills and become a non-smoker.
Like most addicts, there was nothing casual about his habit. He went from a few cigarettes a day to a pack every day within weeks. He smoked from morning till he went to bed at night. His friends who knew him well never thought that he would quit. I never thought that he would quit. He quit finally and we all were surprised how he quit. According to him instead of saying How can I quit smoking smokers could say I can quit smoking and it is possible for daily smokers also.

Figure6 I quit smoking [Photograph] by Dan R, 2007
Adapted from

When you quit smoking you will feel headache, anxiety, nausea and a craving for more cigarettes. Also there is sweating, tingling in the hands and feet. All these are the symptoms of quitting smoking.

If my friend who was chain smoker, can quit, I think you can also quit smoking. Am I right?

Natural ways to quit smoking –how to say no to smoking by leaning in to nature?

1.              If quitting smoke was a breeze, then 44 to 46 million of us would not still be lighting up. The truth is that stopping is tough but anyone can say no to smoke through some natural approaches to stop smoking.

                Figure 1.quit smoking. [Photograph] by Jacky smith, May 17, 2007 Adapted     from

          Following are some natural and easy tips to quit smoking at home in natural manner
Research has shown that certain food categories helps in quitting smoke while others facilitate the urge of lighting was found the food like red meat, coffee and alcohol enhances lighting up but the natural restrictions to this smoking habit are fruits ,vegetables, juice and milk .
Most of the smoker carvings are for carbohydrates rather than nicotine so by sucking glucose tablets helps you a lot in quitting smoke in easy and effective way.
·         GET A MOVE ON:
Working out works for carving too as it helps you to prevent depression, relieve tension in turn keeps you away from smoking. This is the easiest way to quit smoking as well as keeping yourself healthy.
·         TIME IT RIGHT:
To adapt natural approaches to quit smoking it is necessary to time them in right manner. Try to follow one step at one time. For example: select one at a time either change your diet plan or do work out.
·         BUDDY UP:
Share your stories and ideas in a group regarding quitting smoke. As research studies has found that 40 to 50 % of people who attended group conversations for quit smoking will become quitters in 6 months.

What else can you add to these Natural ways to quit smoking?

Effects on human body after quitting smoking-which benefits you get if you will quit smoke

Can you believe that you can get more a healthy and long life if you will quit smoking?   You can take physical and mental benefits. 

Figure1: -time to quit by Qfamily on July 2, 2007

There are lots of effects on you of smoking. When you smoke there is lots of disease that can cover you easily and there is lots of chance of your early death that means you can die before your time? You will have a lot of quitting smoking benefits.
If you are going to quit smoking your blood pressure will go down in several minutes that are always high because of smoking. In your blood the level of carbon monoxide will decrease, and the level of oxygen will increase and will go back to normal level.
Health benefits of quitting smoking are more than you think. Your chance of heart attack will reduce after 1 days of smoking. You can smell or taste things more clearly, so your ability of smell and taste has improved. You will fell more energetic after quit smoking and you can breathe with easy way. 

 Are you going to quit smoking to get health benefits?