Thursday 3 April 2014

Why we should quit smoking?

Quit smoking but the question arises why we should quit smoking? Let’s find out the answer together.

Why people quit smoking and why there are campaigns to quit smoking? There is a very big reason for this act of quitting. It results in long term benefits. Firstly ,it harms our health 

responsible for nearly 1 in 5 deaths, and about 8.6 million people suffer from smoking-related lung and heart diseases.  Secondly, it can steal your quality of life long before you die. Smoking-related illness can limit your activities by making it harder to breathe, get around, work, or play.

Figure 2  Why Quit Smoking [Photograph] by awyloves,2008
Adapted from

Above all, the health benefits of quitting smoking are far greater than any risk from smoking. Moreover , there are free quit smoking apps available on iphones. All smokers are lucky that along with free quitting methods there are natural ways to quit smoking like pranayam and Sudarshan Kriya .All these ways are a blessing for all smokers.
In a nutshell, Health is wealth. Take advantage of free and natural ways to quit smoking.
So, think why should I quit smoking? Act today for a bright future tomorrow.

Helping ideas to quit smoking

Today the technology is growing very fast. There are various ways to quit smoking. There are natural ways that we can use at home.  Along with these there are quit smoking programs, free help, online apps, Quit smoking laser and quit smoking pills. Are these ways helping smokers?
Figure 5 ways to quit smoking [photograph] by Karim Karim MedEI H…, 2014
Adapted from

There are special quit smoking programs for youth. There are free training sessions for smokers addressing healthy lifestyle, how to prepare to quit. In the quit smoking laser, they shoot a low-power laser beam at your ears , nose , hands , wrists and this removes the desire to smoke. Moreover there is free help to quit smoking  like free apps on iPhone . In addition to this, there is free live help online. There are several websites like smoke, smoke free women, smoke free teen etc. Smoking campaigns organized each year also give useful information to quit smoking.
Don’t sit idle. Focus on how you will use these quit smoking programs for your good health

Free helpline to be a non- smoker

Smoking is a silent killer. What do you think?
Smoking facts tells us that for every person that dies from a smoking-related disease, there are 20 more who suffer from at least one serious illness associated with smoking. A single cigarette contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer.
Smoker’s helpline is a free, confidential service offering support and information about how a smoker can quit smoking. It is a free tool that helps to quit smoking. Also there are quit smoking websites like, Smoking Cessation Guidesite, Quit smoking 4 Good and Centres for Disease control.
 Figure 7 Quit Because [photograph] by Quit Because,2010
Adapted from

Among the reasons to quit smoking , the most important is to maintain healthy living style and  live longer. It also reduces expenses and help to keep children away from smoking for their good health.
From the smoking facts, what can you conclude at the end, is a single cigarette really a ladder towards death? How?
Here is the link to quit smoking

Pill a day keeps the cigarette away

Do you know people are using stop smoking pills in order to avoid smoking a cigarette?  Is this works, lets delve deeper to know exactly what these pills are and how they help smokers to turn into non –smokers.
Figure 4 Quit smoking pills [photograph] by sean cohen, 2012
Adapted from

There are three types of quit smoking products to help you quit:
·         nicotine replacement therapy
·         buproprion (Zyban)
·         varenicline (Champix).

Some people quit smoking with the help of pills. NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) can reduce your nicotine withdrawal symptoms, reduce your urge to smoke, and increase your chances of quitting. Smoking habits of every smoker differs from each other, so it is important to consult a doctor before taking any pill. Doctors also give stop smoking tips   sfor every kind of smoker.
Bupropion SR is one of the pills that can be used by smokers to quit smoking. It works on the chemicals in the brain. It helps in controlling nicotine cravings. Medical evidence shows that the quit smoking pills increase the chance of quitting smoking successfully. Varenicline is an alternative to NRT and doesn't contain nicotine.
In the end, I would like to say that always consult the doctor before using stop smoking pills. How smokers use these pills? Any idea or story to tell?

What is quit smoking calculator? How it works?

Have you ever heard of quit smoking calculator? Is it something new for you?
One of the great incentives to quit smoking, other than to improve your health is to save money. Depending on how many cigarettes you smoke a day, it can be a very costly habit. Quitter is a simple, free application that tells you how many days you’ve gone without putting a cigarette to your lips, and also how much money you’ve saved. Once those dollars begin to add up, it’s a great motivator to stay smoke-free.
Figure 3 Stop Smoking Calculators [Photograph] by Estelle Page, 2013
Adapted from

I think this is one of the fantastic quit smoking aids. They can only help, and create some excitement to the new non-smoker, in helping them with their quit. I do think that it is important that each smoker realizes that they are more powerful than they think they are, and that their quit is only a few steps away.

It helps in smoking cessation a lot.
Quit smoking calculator is available online.
Are you thinking of downloading one of this Quit smoking Aids? Iam sure it will help you, so let’s try and track your results.

story of smoker to non-smoker

You think you love to smoke and you think it is so important to your happiness, but when you quit smoking, you will find out that all that happiness associated with smoking is a lie.

Figure7   Smoking and Pregnancy. [Photograph] by Amiya Foster, Nov 26, 2013.adapted from
Lesly's started smoking at the age of 19.Knowing all the pros and cons of smoking she made this foolish decision .She was the daughter of a heavy smoker who was addicted to smoking for 45 years .She herself was addicted to smoking from 26 years. During his addiction anxiety was his daily routine. She uses to smoke 2+ packets in a day. She quit smoking through smoking cessation forum .she work on the slogan, “if you want to change your life, change your mind.
I learned through practice how to accept urges as they came along and then let them go. It wasn't easy at first, but I got the hang of it, and that shift in perspective away from "fighting" to maintain my sobriety made it all so much more comfortable.
Some facts from Lesly’s LIFE before and after quitting smoke
Three years ago I was a desperate woman.

After quitting smoke                                     before quitting
I was desperate to quit smoking ---------- I was desperate to smoke.

I was sick to death of smoking --------------I loved to smoke.

I hated how I smelled ------------------------ I loved the smell of my smokes.

I hated the burn holes, fears, sickness ----I loved the rituals.

quit smoking products- where you can buy?

Can you even imagine of having some products that keeps you away from consuming excessive nicotine through cigarettes. There are several anti-smoking products available in the market that can help you

                                  Figure4 nicotine patches. [Photograph] by la quits, Dec 13, 2011.

Quit smoking products can help you a lot in making your life smoke free. There is variety of anti-smoking products available at many shops, pharmacies and anti-smoking helplines. Here is some commonly used Smoking cessation products:
·         - Champix:
This is a non-nicotine therapy developed specifically to help people stop smoking. It works in two ways - it reduces cravings and withdrawal symptoms and it also diminishes the sense of satisfaction associated with smoking; potentially preventing a lapse from turning into a full relapse. Champix is only available on prescription from your GP and NHS Stop Smoking Services.
Where to buy: online pharmacies and other pharmacies only with doctor’s prescription.
·         - Nicotine Patch
A patch lasts either 16 or 24 hours, each of which come in three strengths delivering different amounts of nicotine, which is absorbed slowly through the skin. You are recommended to use them for up to three months depending on the brand you choose, starting off with the most appropriate strength for you. Always follow manufacturers’ instructions. Some people experience a slight itching or redness of the skin and this can be lessened by varying the position of the patch when you apply a new one.
Where to buy:  various online shopping sites, shoppers drug mart, Rexall pharmacy, and Pharma plus.
·         - Nicotine Gum
Nicotine gum helps you to control your cravings whenever you feel the urge to smoke. It is different from ordinary chewing gum and can have a slightly peppery taste, especially to begin with, so you may have to persevere in using it. It is important to use it properly to get the full benefit. The gum comes in two strengths, regular (2mg) and maximum (4mg) and in a choice of flavours. The brand you select will determine which strength you use. The gum should be chewed slowly and then rested between your gum and the side of your mouth, repeatedly, for about 30 minutes. You should gradually reduce the number of gums you chew over about 3 months.
Where to buy:  various online shopping sites, shoppers drug mart, Rexall pharmacy, and Pharma plus.

- Nicotine Lozenges
The lozenge is an effective alternative to the gum and is available in a variety of strengths. The brand you select will determine which strength you use. You take one lozenge every hour or two for the first few weeks and then gradually reduce the number you take each day over the next few weeks until you don’t need the lozenges anymore. Like the gum, the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of the mouth. Research has shown that the 4mg NRT lozenge can also help reduce weight gain associated with quitting smoking.
Where to buy:  various online shopping sites, shoppers drug mart, Rexall pharmacy, and Pharma plus.

·         - Nicotine Micro tab
The Micro tab is a small white tablet containing nicotine that dissolves under your tongue. Don’t suck, chew or swallow it, as this will reduce the amount of nicotine that is absorbed through the lining of the mouth.
Where to buy:  various online shopping sites, shoppers drug mart, Rexall pharmacy, and Pharma plus.

·         - Nicotine Nasal Spray
The nicotine nasal spray is good for people who get severe withdrawal symptoms or who smoke heavily. The nicotine nasal spray comes in a bottle with a nozzle that delivers a dose of nicotine via a fine spray squirted into each nostril. It can be used up to 32 times a day. The nicotine is quickly absorbed through the lining of the nose. It mimics cigarettes more closely by giving a relatively fast effect. The spray may irritate your nose and throat, especially at first. However, if you persevere this lessens. NRT nasal spray can help reduce weight gain associated with quitting smoking.
Where to buy:  various online shopping sites, shoppers drug mart, Rexall pharmacy, and Pharma plus.

·         - Nicotine Inhalator
The inhalator is helpful when your body craves the nicotine and your hands miss a cigarette. The inhalator looks like a cigarette holder, inside which you place a cartridge containing nicotine. You simply suck on the inhalator when you get a craving. Nicotine is taken into the mouth and the back of the throat but not into the lungs.
Where to buy:  various online shopping sites, shoppers drug mart, Rexall pharmacy, and Pharma plus.

·         Zyban
Your GP will be able to advise if Zyban is suitable for you depending on your medical history. It is only available on prescription. Zyban is an effective treatment, which has helped many smokers to quit. It is a non-nicotine tablet. A course of Zyban tablets lasts two months. You start taking Zyban while you are still smoking and set a date for quitting during the second week of treatment. It is not suitable for people who have a history of blackouts, fits, head injury or brain tumour but your GP will advise you further. The most common side effects are difficulty sleeping, dry mouth and headache.

Where to buy:  various online shopping sites, shoppers’ drug mart, Rexall pharmacy, and Pharm save.

Nicotine patches for quitting smoke

   Free nicotine patches are just at a distance of some clicks call just put your postal code in the website you will get your destination to say bye-bye to smoke.

Figure4 nicotine patches. [Photograph] by la quits, Dec 13, 2011.
              This medication belongs to a family of medications known as nicotine replacement therapies. It is used to help people over 18 years of age quit smoking. When a person stops smoking, they go through withdrawal from nicotine that causes symptoms such as irritability, mood swings, restlessness, trouble concentrating, and increased appetite. This medication helps reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal by replacing some of the nicotine that the person no longer receives through cigarettes
            How nicotine do patches work:
             The nicotine patches when applied to the skin delivers a steady dose of nicotine over a 24-hour period. Gradually, the dose is reduced until the person no longer craves nicotine, and they can stop using the medication. This medication works best when used with a comprehensive program to quit smoking.

             Link to get free nicotine patches and nicotine patch coupons:
             Here is the link to get free nicotine patches in Toronto. You just have to put your postal code they will provide you with the resources available near to your location
  Do you know any helpline offering free nicotine to share and help society to be smoke free?

Anti-smoking campaigns near you

Have a look around to help your community to be smoke free. Did you find any anti-smoking campaign? If yes just join it if no I have one good one to join.

Figure3 quit smoking campaigns. [Photograph] by Rutthy, July 31, 2012.

No Smoking Day is a quit smoking campaign which has been running since Ash Wednesday in 1983, when it was called Quit for the day.
The campaign is re-designed for providing quit smoking aid every year to help spur smokers into action.
Its mission is to appeal to smokers of all types - whatever their age, sex or social class. It  publicize and explain the help that smokers can get when they want to stop, and capture the attention of the media with lots of supportive TV, newspaper and radio coverage.
No Smoking Day is a great opportunity to quit smoking
These quit smoking programs helps smokers to stop smoking whenever they want.
There are health and other benefits to stopping smoking
 This no smoking day campaign is an effective step to make the younger generation a tobacco free generation. It is contributing a lot in making people aware of the side effects and various ways and means of saying no to smoking. It is working with national helplines, local stop smoking services, drop-in centres, pharmacists, GPs and other services that offer help and advice to smokers who want to give up.

Kindly share your views about any other quit smoking campaign.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

How Can I quit smoking?

what are the ways or tips to quit smoking? And which tips or ways you can follow while sitting home with your family.

Figure 6: - only the last time by Morgan on December 8, 2009
 you can follow some tips on quit smoking. First you should have a strong inner determination for stop smoking. This step will help you to quit smoking like magic.
You should have to positive and fully confident that yes I can quit smoking; I want to quit smoking. You can take help from doctors like quit smoking pills so you do not have to go anywhere to quit smoking and you can also take therapies. You should pick a specific date to quit smoking, on that date you should quit confidentially. Tell to yours friends that you want to quit smoking and they will also help you. If something goes wrong you should never lose a confident, you should be here that yes I can quit smoking.

 Are you ready to say “Bye” to smoking?  

Here you can find help to quit smoking programs

you can take several free quit smoking products. That helps you to quit smoking like natural products.

Figure 5: - I should quit smoking by Viperb0y on May 21, 2011
 you can find many programs that help to quit smoking. On internet you can find some online programs centre that are providing free quit smoking products or quit smoking products on very low cost. Some quit smoking cessation products are known as nicotine replacement therapy because they have a small amount of nicotine. Others methods are prescription medications that are without nicotine.
How to quit smoking naturally this is the unbelievable line but you can do this like if you will take acupuncture therapy or hypnotherapy then it is possible.

 Which program are you taking to quit smoking?

How laser therapy works in quitting smoke

one way to quit smoking is laser treatment. You want to be with your friends after the same hour when you are non-smoker from smoker.

Figure 4: - Don't smoke here... and maybe you should rethink smoking  Neal Jennings on November 28, 2009
Ways to quit smoking include a laser treatment and another treatment. This treatment shows that 95% people have quit smoke. And this treatment works in 1 hour. Low level Laser treatment to quit smoking is safe and effective to quit smoke and the cost of this treatment is very low; you can take this therapy at low price from one month’s cigarettes. This treatment takes only 39 minutes. You will be with your friends in an hourQuit smoking laser treatment is giving 85-94% positive results in one laser therapy center.
There is link where you can find how to quit smoking with gaining weight How to quit smoking without gaining weight.

 Will you take laser therapy to quit smoking?

stop smoking easier or hard to do

if you want Stop smoking can be easy way for you, quit now. If you will want to quit smoking just do it now from today.

No Smoking Grunge Sign by Sepia Nicolas Raymond on April 24, 2013

All smokers think that can they quit smoke with easy way or it will be hardest way for them. There are lot of quit smoking tips. You have to just follow them. These tips help really to quit smoking
Every person who want to stop smoking think that how to stop smokingSome smokers take therapies; some take pills to quit smoking. The easiest way to quit smoking is quit now. If you think that you want to quit smoking and you are ready to put efforts then it can be easy for you, think in that way that is the easiest way to say “by” to smoking.

For most people found it is the hardest way because you had adapted to smoking as a habit. You can feel good at a time when you take nicotine, but it create  many other diseases like you feel more stressed and in depression, anxiety and you feel yourself boring. When you are addicted to smoking then you take cigarette many times in a day like you take cigarette with your morning tea and if you work you will automatically take cigarette in your break. If your friends and colleagues are smoking then it is very hard to quit smoking.

Open ended question: - What you think stop smoking is hard or easy?