Thursday 3 April 2014

Helping ideas to quit smoking

Today the technology is growing very fast. There are various ways to quit smoking. There are natural ways that we can use at home.  Along with these there are quit smoking programs, free help, online apps, Quit smoking laser and quit smoking pills. Are these ways helping smokers?
Figure 5 ways to quit smoking [photograph] by Karim Karim MedEI H…, 2014
Adapted from

There are special quit smoking programs for youth. There are free training sessions for smokers addressing healthy lifestyle, how to prepare to quit. In the quit smoking laser, they shoot a low-power laser beam at your ears , nose , hands , wrists and this removes the desire to smoke. Moreover there is free help to quit smoking  like free apps on iPhone . In addition to this, there is free live help online. There are several websites like smoke, smoke free women, smoke free teen etc. Smoking campaigns organized each year also give useful information to quit smoking.
Don’t sit idle. Focus on how you will use these quit smoking programs for your good health

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